Age is just a number

I had my first and only son at the age of 24. He was healthy as could be. As the weeks went by my body started to hurt. First it was in my feet. My son would cry and I’d jump up so fast that I thought maybe I just went too fast and walked on my foot wrong. Day after day same pain.

Then I went to a wedding where a six inch heel met my foot and I about died. My husband had to carry me to the car, I thought it was broken. I could move my foot but it was in so much pain I couldn’t believe it. Never knowing what a broken bone has felt like, I assumed it was damaged enough to where we needed to see a dr. I went to an urgent care. They took X-rays, gave me a boot and crutches. They said I may have a hairline fracture. But they couldn’t tell and referred me to a foot joint specialist. This dr told me I needed to rest and keep off of it for weeks. Which I did but then the same pain came back but in the other foot. I asked him, “ Dr how can a fracture move from one foot to the other?” Without an explanation he told me he could give me a steroid shot directly into the joint. (OUCH!) pain went away for a little while but then I woke up with a frozen shoulder. Couldn’t even pick up my baby boy from his crib. It was stuck literally and so much pain if I tried to move it.

Went and saw a different dr an older male. He took X-rays and said to me, “ X-rays are normal, I don’t see anything. My advice to you is not to worry you’re YOUNG this will pass you’ll be fine!” I was so angry. As I’m working full time and now a single parent because my husband left. I’m unable to explain what’s going on, and now both knees feet elbows wrist and one shoulder are swollen. Finally I went back to my endocrinologist and thankfully this sweet PA listened to my issues, ran a full blood screen and found an RF FACTOR of 661 IU/mL sed rate was 30 and my TPO antibody was 1300. She referred me to a rheumatologist where I began my treatment for rheumatoid arthritis.

My only request ever was that I be able to hold my son again. After four medicines (all self injections) and steroids. I’ve been in a livable state to where I can pick my son up, and take care of myself. You don’t know how much your body does until you can’t even put on your own clothes or walk. It’s crazy it took a long two years but I am grateful because I was mentally and physically drained. I am 27 years old and I have severe rheumatoid arthritis along with hypothyroidism and now seizures. Find a doctor you trust, which may take a few times to find. I’m grateful my dr helped me and dealt with my case. Yes I’m young, but autoimmune diseases can attack any ages, at any time. In this case my pregnancy may have triggered my autoimmune disease.

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