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Orencia Study

Has anyone else read anything about the Orencia study that shows it almost completely getting rid of RA? I have attached the link. Any thoughts are appreciated. Thank you.

  1. Thanks so much for sharing this, . The study the article is about sounds very promising and I'm curious to find out what this means for future treatment. It'll be interesting to see if other studies done show similar results, especially as the drug manufacturer funded the study.

    Are you currently diagnosed with RA (or know someone who is)? And are you finding a treatment helpful for relief?

    We appreciate you starting the conversation here. I'm eager to hear from other community members here about their thoughts.

    -- Warmly, Christine (Team Member)

    1. Hello. I have RA and am currently trying to get an appointment with a new rheumatologist. I have constant pain and stiffness, have had an occipital spinal fusion, and am currently taking Methotrexate and Prednisone when needed. I am hopeful about the results of this study. I hope they are legit.

    2. I am so sorry to hear about all the pain and stiffness that you're experiencing and am hopeful the new rheumatologist can help you get some more consistent relief! Please let us know if you have any questions and know that we are here for you. -- Warmly, Christine (Team Member)

  2. I've been on almost all of the biologics and I think most of them have the possibility to put RA into remission. Unfortunately there is still no test that can determine just which part of the immune system is malfunctioning in a specific person. For me it took us 20 years to find a medicine that worked and it ended up being an obscure biologic that blocks interleukin 1. My question is though under what circumstances someone would be put on a biologic preventatively? I got my RA out of nowhere and no one else in my family has it so we didn't even know it could be a thing! Even if it prevents one person from suffering, though, it is worth it. Thanks for sharing, keep on keepin' on, DPM

    1. I’ve just had my first shot of Orencia today. Enbrel worked like magic for me for 7 years and I almost forgot I had this horrible disease. Last year it began to fail with symptoms breaking through. By Christmas it failed completely. I’ve been so disabled and in so much pain since then. Both my wrists taken out and being eaten away. Almost unable to even wipe my own bum! Totally dependent on Prednisolone for any relief. But that means for the last two months I’ve been getting by with only 2-5 hours sleep a night. It’s making me feel so crazy! I want Orencia to work straight away. What chance do you think there is of this happening? Does anyone know how fast it can work if it’s going to? Anyone out there with miracle cure stories?

      1. I am crossing my fingers that Orencia works for you! I know waiting for a sign of relief can be daunting and worrisome. But we're going to stay positive! I hope others can share in on their experience with this medication. Keep in mind that everyone's results will be different. On the Orencia website it states "Many people started feeling better in about 3 to 6 months",Individual%20results%20may%20vary. This link will take you to some one our past articles and forums regarding members experience with Orencia- You may find some positive feedback there while you wait for others to share here. I hope you start to feel better as soon as possible! Wishing you all the best! Kindly, Latoya (Team Member)

      2. Thank you so much for sharing all of this. Orencia works in similar fashion to Enbrel in that they are both biologics. So the time frame they could provide relief may not be as fast as prednisone etc. But I know people who were flaring and in a bad state, who found relief the very soon after like days or weeks. Some doctors say to monitor for a few months to see how it's working as some people are slower to react than others. It all depends on your body and unfortunately there's no way of knowing for sure. The most important thing is that you to began your new treatment and took that step to feel better. Keep going and I'm sure you will feel relief in no time! -Effie, team member

    2. Thanks for your kind response Latoya. I did see it said it could take 3-6 mths. That seems like an eternity right now. Especially when there’s a good chance it won’t work and then I have to do the same thing again with another drug. I so need to be able to get back to my life. Having both wrists wiped out stops you from doing so many things you want to do. And I’m scared that they’ll never be all right again after this. Especially if it goes on for 6 mths. The MRI after only 2 mths of pain showed a shocking amount of damage. It scared me.

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