Continuous Continuous Updates

Hi all, so my pain level has increased so much I can't even go for a short half block walk to our mailbox like I would do a couple of times a week.

Communicating with rheumatologists

I was up to an extra Celebrex per day.

So, on 1 of my worst days, like 9.5 level, I sent an email to my RN at the rheumatologist's office.

A couple of days later I realized I should have increased my prednisone, so I have done that, now back to 8mgs.

This time I plan to stay at this level for a couple of months. My pain is somewhat better but I still don't think I can walk very far.

RA management

While this has been going on, I received 2 separate phone calls. One from our local hospital about a phone visit with a RA therapist. The other with an allergist, no worries about this one.

The therapist's phone visit was an assessment of my right hip regarding a hip replacement. I am now waiting for a call from the surgeon for a hip replacement. I am to use my cane in the house all the time and for sure use my walker when out.

Regarding the email I sent to the rheumatologist RN, I received a call from them and I now have a virtual appointment in July with them.

To be continued. LOL

Blessings and Prayers,


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