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A New Medicine

I have not posted anything for a while it hasn't been good and all the medicine has not worked so now its on to CIMZIA that I have to really take a look at.

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  1. ! It's so good to see you posting again!

    However, I wish it were for happier reasons. I am so sorry the meds have not been working thus far.

    I hope Cimzia does the trick! Hang in there and please do keep us posted, if you feel comfortable doing so.

    Best, Erin, Team Member.

    1. Good to see you post again. While each person's reaction to any medication is not something that presupposes how another might react, i can say I had good luck with CIMZIA.

      1. Hi . I'm glad to see you keep trying. My wife, (a contributor here), was diagnosed at age two, almost 45 years ago - before modern treatments, with the damage to show for it. Just a few years ago she started a new treatment that brought her inflammation numbers into the normal range for the first time. I know another contributor, , has had a similar experience. One never knows when the lightening might strike. Hoping this treatment is the one that does it for you. Best, Richard ( Team)

        1. You mention that your wife started a "new treatment" that your post. What treatment was it?

          1. Hey there! You may know this already but if not, you can mention a member so they get an alert. You just use the "at" symbol, and then a list of member names will drop down. I just tagged for you so they will see it! Just wanted to let you know. Warmly, - Reggie, team member

          2. Hi . Kelly is now on Kevzara. an interesting back story: Kevzara is an interleuken-6 inhibitor. Recent research has actually found that IL-6 is often a primary disease driver in juvenile RA cases (see for example: Hopefully this is an example of how new research can lead to more personalized treatments for RA. Best, Richard ( Team)

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