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Abnormal Periods While Managing RA

One of our RA health leaders, Monica, shared her experience battling anemia, and abnormal periods - in addition to her RA (

Have others here had similar experiences?

  1. Yes

    1. Thanks for sharing. After reading Monica's experience I am sure it helps her and others to know they aren't alone in experiencing this. Warmly - Reggie, team member

  2. Yes. I experienced menstral pain from puberty and had fibroid tumors that grew in my uterus with my first pregnancy. They removed them after delivery of my son in 1982 when I was 27. I was not officially diagnosed until 2005 after lifetime misery.

    1. oh dear, I wish that you didn't have to experience a lifetime of misery before they diagnosed you! Did they do something for you once you were diagnosed in 2005? -- Warmly, Christine (Team Member)

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