i'm nearly 21, have had joint pain since at least 14 but probably earlier (got the "growing pains" excuse so much growing up it's hard to remember what pain was real/serious). i was told my bloodwork indicates RA (or, well, "juvenile arthritis or possibly lupus", but my gp admits she doesn't know much at all about autoimmune conditions) a little less than a month ago. i won't be able to see a rheum for another two months and i'm so frustrated not knowing what's going on in my body or being able to do anything about it.
i've been flaring really badly for months (which is why i finally went and saw a dr) and i just feel so powerless and hopeless. i can't imagine living the rest of my life like this. my friends and family have been kind but i can tell none of them really understand exactly how much pain i am in all the time. some days i just have to go to bed hours before i normally would because i'm in too much pain to do anything else.
does anyone have any advice for dealing with this? especially anyone else diagnosed early? or even just some kind words? i seriously don't know how i'm going to make it two full more months before i can see a dr that might not even be willing to help me.