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Always waiting for results....

Today I am especially nervous, as I have my annual mammogram in 20 min. Why I’m nervous? Well, my mom and gram had breast cancer at about the age I am:68. Also, because of the virus, my mammogram has been rescheduled 3 times. In addition, I was testing for the virus a few weeks ago , and fortunately it was negative. I’ve just started playing tennis again, as I usually do previously before the virus. I am on Humira, started in around Jan. of this year. I use the pen, and the only side effects seemed to be a headache. Of course, I knew it was too good to be true, as I have, in the last month, have been extremely exhausted and put of breath at times. Consequently that was the reason for the test for covid. In addition, my rheumatologist (whom I love) has told me that my RA makes me s typical candidate for getting cancer.
These few weeks have been extraordinarily hard for me, but I’ll get through this.
Well, time to head in for that mammogram I truly dread. And once again, the waiting game begins.

  1. Hi ,

    I am wishing you all the best for your mammogram results! Mammograms are always a little stressful and uncomfortable, but I certainly understand why your family history makes you dread them. That does sound like a rough time you are going through. Everyone is more anxious than usual as we face the pandemic, and having symptoms and tests makes it all the harder. I am rooting for you, and hoping the results of your mammogram come back clear!

    Wishing you all the best,

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