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Anyone else ears ,face gets boils break outs for the pain a given I feel it all started in my ears

  1. Hello, . I am sorry to hear that you've been breaking out in boils on your ears and face. That sounds incredibly uncomfortable and painful. Is this something that is new that you're experiencing? I know that there are community members here who have experienced skin issues in addition to their RA, so hopefully some of them can share their experiences with you. I also wanted to share that one of our health leaders wrote about some skin inflammation she experience in this article that I'll link for you here,

    In addition to any feedback you get here, I would also encourage you to reach out to your doctor (if you haven't already). They will be the best resource of what might be causing the boils and what might be done to help you get some relief.

    Wishing you a gentle day. -- Warmly, Christine (Team Member)

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