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Arthritis and diuretics

I have mild arthritis in both hips (don't know if it's rheumatoid or osteo). My doc took me off my diuretic, and since then the time between the need to apply voltaren and pain has increased! And the pain is less than it waswhen I was taking the diuretic.

Anyone have any observations or guesses about this?

  1. Hello, . It's good to hear from you. I, personally, can't speak to arthritis pain and diuretics, although I am curious to read what other community members have to say, and what your doctor has to say about it. It would be very interesting to know how a diuretic might impact osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, if at all. Have you had a chance to bring this up with your doctor at all yet?

    I did do a little googling and came across some information of an association between diuretics and gout (here's one article I found, Obviously this does not necessarily mean it is related to your personal experience at all, only your doctor can determine what might be helping your decrease in pain, but I thought the information might be interesting to you.

    Hopefully you get some helpful feedback from the community here as well. -- Warmly, Christine (Team Member)

    1. Yeah, I also found that the only hits I got were about the association betw diuretics and gout.

      My doc is on vacation for 2 weeks so I can't ask her right now, but of course asking is high on my to-do list.

      I will keep this site informed of my findings, since they might be of use to others.

      1. thanks for keeping us posted and I’m sorry I couldn’t be more helpful! — Warmly, Christine (Team Member)

    2. Can I ask why the rheumatologist decided to put you a diuretic in the first place? That's interesting to me as I have had RA for decades and talked to many patients and this is the first time I heard of it being used for RA. What did the doctor say when they told you to start it? Did they put you on it to counteract use of steroids and the fluid retention it causes? Thanks, hope you are having a lower pain day. DPM

      1. I had my annual health care visit with my PCP about one week ago and she thought my BP was too low. It was low bec. I'd taken off weight--lowered caloric intake (I had knee surgery, was not hungry, and I fast 2 days a week). So it was my PCP who suggested that I stop taking my diuretic, spironolactone 25 mg, and cut my other BP med, olmesartan 40 mg (a/k/a Benicar), in half. I've done that. BP now satisfactory, and as I said in my original post, there is a longer interval betw muy using Voltaren for my hip arthritis and experiencing pain.

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