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Best Biologic for RA

Hi everyone out there that is suffering from very bad rheumatoid arthritis. I would like some suggestions on some Biologics I’ve been on a few but ever since I suffered in the hospital with Covid my system is shot and I have a lot of issues so I have to be careful on what I take and I would love some suggestions please and thank you.

  1. Hi, ! I am so sorry Covid took such a toll on your health.

    I wish I could offer you a perfect answer, like, "THIS biologic is the best for you!", but, the truth is that each person responds a bit uniquely to biologics and there is no one medication that is guaranteed to work for everyone. Has your rheumatologist has any suggestions for you? And, did any of the biologics you tried in the past offer you some measure of improvement? Also, depending on what issues you experience on medications may help narrow down with treatments you might consider next.

    Also, are you dealing with long term Covid or are you just experiencing long term damage left behind in the wake of your bout with Covid?

    Best, Erin, Team Member.

    1. Hi,
      I have tried several biologics one which the herpes virus went into my eyes. I have severe damage in my lungs due to Covid and I have long COVID. It is very hard.
      Thank you for responding.

      1. Are you able to get a consult at one of the medical centers specializing or researching Long COVID? As I understand it, there are some overlaps with Long Covid and RA symptoms. I'm sure the two do not play well together! I hope you find relief soon, Jo

      2. , oh goodness. I am sorry. Living with the after effects of Covid and dealing with long Covid are not easy. Especially, since we are still in the learning stages about treating long term Covid.

        I hope you have a support system to be with you as you deal with RA and long haul Covid.

        Gentle Hugs, Erin, Team Member.

    2. I thank you and am doing my best. I just wanted some other peoples thoughts on medications/biologics that may have worked for them.

      1. Hi . Just to follow up on what said, finding the right biologic is largely a trial and error thing. There is now a test called the PrismRA test which can predict if anti-TNF biologics, such as Enbrel and Humira, will be effective (see: Hopefully other precision medicine tests to determine which medication will work best will be forthcoming, but if a test like PrismRA can eliminate the anti-TNF's a doctor can focus on others such as the IL-6 inhibitors or JAK inhibitors. This article on biologics tells you what type of inflammatory cytokine each inhibits: Often patients are started on the anti-TNF inhibitors. Was this the case with you? Best, Richard ( Team)

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