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Coming off Disease Modifying Drugs (dmards nsaids)

Hi there.
I totally understand how you feel.
I chose to stop the disease modifying drugs for the same reasons! Approximately 6yrs ago.
Methotrexate Metaject Salfasalazine Leflunimide etc. The side effects of these potently poisonous drugs made me look & feel worse than the actual disease! Not just in & on my body but my mental health suffered alongside the horrific side effects and constantly ill &/or in hospital!
RA is painful & exhausting etc enough(I dont need to explain that) so along with all the other immune disorders that run alongside RA & all the reactions I was getting, I felt I needed to stop them and change my life!
I felt like a human guinea-pig....
I stopped eating dairy products, stopped all intake of alcohol, I eat well & take cbd/thc & normal top up pain killers to manage my everyday symptoms. I try and stay active in &1 around my home and garden.
I've felt much more alive & healthier & happier ever since. However research and slowly does it!
Stay safe and positive my warrior people 😀

Good luck. 😀 x

  1. Hi ! I am guessing you meant this in reply to a thread, not as a new Forum post, but this is always a great discussion topic. I am glad you feel good about your decision and that your dietary and lifestyle changes are helping. You have to do what you feel is best for yourself. I hope you never need to go back on medications but, should that happen, know that there are many other medications you can try that might be more effective with fewer side effects. Here is an article about them: Sending the best of all wishes your way. - Lori (Team Member)

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