I am currently taking Plaquenil, leflunomide, and CellCept. When I was first diagnosed I was just on Plaquenil and it worked great keeping me in remission for many years, but then I had a big flareup which also affected my lungs. After trying a couple of other medications (methotrexate, Rituxan) we tried leflunomide which finally helped reduce the symptoms. The CellCept was added to help stabilize my lungs as it has an anti-fibrotic effect. But CellCept and leflunomide both suppress my immune system. I caught a cold back in February. It turned into a sinus infection, then an ear infection, and conjunctivitis. I was put on antibiotics. Seemed to get better but as soon as the round of antibiotics was done, all the infections came back. I had a second round and am still experiencing symptoms. So my rheumatologist said I should stop my medications until the infection is resolved. I am afraid of another flareup though. Has anyone come off their meds when they were ill, to help fight off the infection? Did you end up with a flare after?