, this is a greet topic to discuss here! Thanks for starting the conversation. I have some experience with thigh high compression stockings, but have never had success in keeping them from rolling down my legs and ending up as knee highs!
I know that there are zip up compression socks and I know that some widely available copper compression sleeves (usually marketed towards athletes) can cover the majority of the arm. Your best bets might be looking at compression gear targeted towards athletes (so the gear might be designed to stay in place better) or gear targeted towards diabetics or individuals on their feet all day (nurses). I tend to have less luck with the gear I find in those discount catalogs for seniors, as the quality is okay, but the durability and ease of use is sometimes compromised. I did find this interesting option, but I can't say if it works (or if it's comfortable)! https://www.compressionsale.com/products/juzo-soft-2001ag-open-toe-thigh-high-w-hip-attachment-20-30-mmhg?variant=19545049956421&source=facebook&utm_medium=cpc&utm_content=feed&gclid=CjwKCAjw5c6LBhBdEiwAP9ejG8fp59U2SeVFPU6Iaqu8eSB02fFZ922bqzNcqGNZ2uwX-VFRvzKZYBoCLQYQAvD_BwE
And please know I am not endorsing or recommending the link I shared, I just thought it was a unique product that I hadn't seen before.
Please feel free to share any resources you find!
Best, Erin, RheumatoidArthritis.net Team Member.