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Does anyone have severe pain with their Tailbone?

Over the past 3 yrs or so I began to have pain in my lower back. It is especially bad on the left side. I know now it is due to the loss of ALL of my hip muscle on that side due to the JRA and Steroid use for 45 yrs. The past 2 yrs not only do I have the pain in my lower back near my hip but the tailbone as well. About last December they did Steroid Injections in my Tailbone, which helped so much. The past 4 months have been HORRIBLE because I had my 82nd surgery and they won't do surgery and injections 3 months apart. So I had to wait. So next Tuesday I go in for Steroid Injections. Has anyone else had such pain from your JRA in your tailbone. My Rhuemy said "Well it isn't a normal joint that is affected. Well that is so NOT helpful! Pain is pain lol I feel like such an outcast! lol

  1. Thank you so much for sharing your experience and concern with us! I'm so sorry you’ve been going through all of this—it sounds incredibly challenging. It’s also understandable to feel a bit isolated, especially when dealing with something that’s not commonly discussed. And having a doctor that doesn't seem to fully acknowledge the pain just because it’s not affecting a “normal” joint, but you’re absolutely right—pain is pain, no matter where it shows up! I want to let you know that you’re definitely not an outcast, though—there are others who can relate to what you’re going through. I want to share with you an article by one of our contributors who talks about their experience with pain in their tailbone as well. I hope it reassures and provides insight towards your current situation. You can access it here- I’m glad to hear the previous steroid injections helped, and I hope the upcoming ones bring you some much-needed relief as well. Continue to hang in there! -Latoya (Team Member)

    1. Hi . To follow up on what Latoya said, you are not alone. This article discusses RA related tailbone pain, as well as potential comorbid conditions that can bring this on: In addition, this case study discusses bursitis of the tailbone in an RA patient: Hope this information can inform further discussions with your doctors and you can get some relief soon. Best, Richard (Team Member)

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