I had what looked like a first flare up on both hands in June. I thought it might be RA as I think my grandmother and mother had it. Went to GP hoping to get steroids - he prescribed blood tests and x rays. Then a referral to a rheumatologist at hospital. He did a thermal ultrasound of my hands which showed a lot of inflammation. He referred me for more bloods and x rays. Then I had a phone consult with a nurse who said the doctor had prescribed sulfasalazine, and 15m of steroids tapering over six weeks. She gave me an absolute torrent of information about how to take and what to do while taking. I asked a lot of questions - but like an idiot I didn't ask what the diagnosis actually was - all she said was that I was "seronegative" - which means -?? I am negative for RA? After the call I googled sulfasalazine and it's very powerful - and the side effect seem horrific. I have got both the steroids and the sulfasalazine from the hospital, but at present am only taking the steroids, as I am reluctant to take such strong meds without a definite diagnosis. I contacted my GP who said I must talk to the hospital. The hospital does not have a rheumatology advice phone line, just an email contact. I have written but received no reply. I'm more than a bit worried about all this, especially as the steroids don't seem to be helping much. Any thoughts?