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Electric shock

I woke up in the middle of the night to unbelievable pain and burning in hands and wrists also in my ankles to my feet. They were burning and I was hurting so bad . My husband could not help me because he didn’t understand what was happening and neither did I in that moment it was just crying out and hurting. My said extremities red hot and swollen.

  1. I am so sorry you have a rough night of pain, . Have you contacted your doctor this morning? I do hope you get some relief very, very soon.

    Best, Erin, Team Member.

    1. Hi, just wondering, are you also diagnosed with RA? Also, there are certain co-morbidities that come along with RA that can certainly cause that. I, myself, have had bouts of Reynaud's, ED, carpal tunnel syndrome, neuropathy, and even very very bad plantar fasciitis that is painful enough to wake me up during the night. I have even had leg cramps that feel like you said - lightning going down my leg and it feels like the whole tendon and muscle have slipped out of place! After thirty some odd years of this illness I am no longer surprised at the pain it can cause. Just know you are not alone and that RA can cause so many symptoms beyond joint aches that it very well could be related, as Erin said, best to check with your physician. Let us know what happens and if we can help in any way! Keep on keepin' on, DPM

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