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Can I take my Enbrel injection immediately after a meal?

Hi everybody. My name is Ana and I'm new to the site but I'm not new to RA. I have 28 years old and suffer from JRA since I was 3. Three months ago I started taking Enbrel 50 mg once a week. But today I have a question: Can I take my Enbrel injection immediately after a meal? My doctor never told me anything related to this but my mother is afraid that taking Enbrel after a meal can stop my digestion. So, what should I do? Does anyone have the same question? Thanks!

  1. Thanks for asking your question Ana and welcome to our commmunity, we are glad to have you here. While others may chime in with some support and information about Enbrel immediately after a meal, we do encourage you to speak with your HCP again just to make sure there are no side effects to an injection after eating. This article on safety and side effects may be helpful: Thanks again for reaching out and being part of the community. Best, Lauren ( Team)

    1. I have used Enbrel for years and you can take it anytime on your prescribed day. Before meals or after doesn't make any. Difference to me. Good luck and Happy Trails. Northlake

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