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I have extensive RA progressions in my hands, knots in the joints, heat and swelling, inability to open lids, pick up things and pretty much anything involving the use of your hands. I am on infusions of Remicide now and have taken an extensive list of other biologics over the years starting with Enbrel. Is there any kind of hand exercise that has been used to get some relief?

  1. Hi . Sorry you have these hand issues. Our contributor Wren has also had her hands be a primary focus for RA and wrote here about what she does to help: Also, I can tell you that my wife, Kelly Mack (a contributor here), has extensive hand damage after a lifetime with juvenile RA (diagnosed at two over 40 years ago). She wrote these articles on hand care ( and hand therapy ( Hope this information is helpful and that others chime in with their experiences. Wishing you some relief soon. Best, Richard ( Team)

    1. Thank you!

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