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Has anyone else suffered from erosive arthritis?

I have had erosive arthritis, plus RA, and osteoarthritis in my left foot for years. The last five years or so my foot has been continually swollen and walking more than ten or fifteen minutes really hurts and makes it even more swollen. I take short walks on the grass or inside for exercise.

I take my regular RA meds, but that's about it. Has anyone else had treatment for this?

  1. Hi . I can't personally speak to the erosive arthritis, but I did find this article on the topic: Do you find your issues are primarily at the hinge joints of your toes? There is a note in the article about the potential for biologics to be a treatment, but needs further study. Hopefully others will chime in with their thoughts and/or experiences. Best, Richard (Team Member)

    1. I don't have erose arthritis per se, but from the description it sounds very much like the effects of RA contained mainly to the fingers and hand, which I do have. My fingers and hands, and especially wrists, have been aggressively targeted by my RA for years and I can tell you that it is definitely painful, especially for a career in writing. I try my best to use the over-the-counter NSAID gel and alternating heat and cold, depending on the situation. The same holds true for my foot and ankle, when they are bad and, like you said, sometimes there is just no substitute for resting and/or sleeping until the next day when everything tends to "reset" and we start once again! If it is indeed erosive arthritis, which is a form of osteoarthritis, it is not surprising the RA meds don't help as those are meant to target the immune system parts which cause RA, and that's not the cause of OA, which, unfortunately, doesn't have a "cure" as it is basically from years of wear and tear. I think you are probably doing everything you can if it in indeed OA that is the main cause of pain and damage. I know that's disappointing, but if you need anything, we are here to help. Keep on keepin' on, DPM

      1. Thanks, that is kind of what I figured too. I can't take NSAIDS either because I developed an IBD from taking Celebrex that my primary care doctor prescribed for twelve years. Bummer!

        1. Hi . A lot of people here know how hard it can be to coordinate care between multiple conditions. I do want to let you know that we have a sister-site for IBD at There you can find the same level of information and support for IBD as here for RA. Best, Richard (Team Member)

        2. Thanks,

      2. Hey! I’m Abbay, and I’ve been dealing with worsening arthritis recently. Like many, I’ve searched extensively for a permanent fix but haven’t found a solution yet. Has anyone else faced similar challenges with erosive arthritis?

        1. Hi Abbay (). Just a moment ago I shared below an article about treating erosive osteoarthritis and the fact that treatments really focus on managing symptoms. Do you also have RA and is it worsening? If so, it is important to speak to your rheumatologist about whether your treatment needs to be adjusted. Wishing you the best. Richard (Team Member)

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