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I can barely walk on most days. I stay isolated in my room.

  1. Hi . Please know that there are people here who understand your struggles. Are you seeing a rheumatologist and on treatment for RA? Of course, existing damage can also create mobility issues even if the RA is under control. Please feel free, if you like (absolutely no pressure), to tell more of your story, as there are likely others with experience who can offer what helped them. Please know that this community is here for you. Best, Richard (Team Member)

    1. I have a Rheumatologist. And I am currently on Humira. I can not walk on most days. My feet hurt me beyond hurt. I am suffering everyday

      1. I have been diagnosed with Ra for 2 years; however, I have had it for years. I never went to the Dr. I am now paying for it for not going to the Dr. sooner. I am suffering every day. I want to ask the community if anyone knows about the cortisone shots? I am considering getting them in both my feet. I cannot walk on most days the pain is unbearable.

        1. Hi . Many here know all too well that feet issues can be among the worst. Quite a few have had some success seeing a podiatrist. My wife, Kelly Mack (a contributor here), was diagnosed at age two, 45 years ago - before modern treatments, with the damage to show for it. Due to the damage to her feet she can only balance and walk with shoes on. That said, the podiatrist has been essential in taking care of her feet, making sure she has the right shoes and inserts, etc... Our contributor Lynn Marie wrote here about RA, foot pain, and what she has found helpful - including a podiatrist: Concerning the cortisone shots, they certainly are an option that has helped many people in various joints, but only a doctor can do the proper diagnostics to determine if and exactly where it would be applicable. Hopefully others will chime in with their thoughts. Best, Richard (Team Member)

      2. I just wanted to check in with you and see how your day is going today. I truly hope things turn around for you soon and you get some much needed relief. Feel free to update us on your progress if you'd like. We'd love to hear from you. Be encouraged, Latoya (Team Member)

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