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I Feel Like My Throat is Closing Up

I'm kinda freaking out a little bit here and U don't know what I should to about this. The night before last my lymph nodes in my neck below and just in front of my ears got really swollen on both sides, so swollen that you can see them just by looking at my neck. My throat hurt and it hurt to swallow, kind of like when getting a cold or the flu, but it's not that because I feel fine (as fine as I get anyway) and I am not sick. When I woke up in the morning it was the same except it felt like my throat was narrower and like there is something stuck in the back of my throat and it's kind of hard to breathe. It feels like when you get that uncomfortable lump in the back of your throat when nauseous but without the nausea and worse. I'm not choking or anything but it's been this way for an entire day now and it's getting unnerving. I looked into it online and learned that RA and lupus (I have both) can cause lymph nodes to become swollen. A couple years ago the lymph node in my groin was swollen and red and poking out and it hurt so bad, but other than that time this has never happened to me and certainly not in my neck. I feel lIke I am on the verge of a panic attack at this point and have been fighting it off because it's scary and nerve- wracking to not be able to breathe comfortably or normally.
To further complicate the problem, I have a very rare structural defect in my heart that affects about 1% of the population and has been present since birth called aberrant right subclavian artery. The main artery to my right arm grows out of my aorta rather than branching of another artery on the other side of my heart and it runs between my spine and my trachea and esophagus and compresses them making it hard to eat and breathe. Apparently the inflammation from ai disorders can aggravate the condition and worsen the effects. I need bypass surgery to correct it if I want to breathe and eat comfortably. Anyway, I don't know if this tightness in my throat is related to that or if it's just another autoimmune related inflammatory response somewhere in my body that's affecting my lymph nodes or what but it feels bad and weird and I don't know what to do for relief..I even thought about going to the hospital but I hate it there and I don't know what they could do about it anyway. I have had tender lymph nodes in my neck in the past when I was sick with a cold or the flu, but never to the point of being so swollen that they show on the outside or where I could feel them in the back of my throat. Has anyone else experienced lymph node swelling in their neck. I've been using sore throat spray to numb the pain as best I can and trying not to swallow very often because it hurts too bad. I can't even eat and can barely drink...

  1. I’m concerned when I read about difficulties with swallowing and breathing, plus a cardiac condition. I get that you hate hospitals, but this sounds like a time you need to move quickly in spite of that. This could be autoimmune related, or something else, but the urgent issue is you are having trouble breathing and swallowing. Having a medical person check your throat is the safest way to get an answer and start a treatment to feel better.

    We aren’t doctors and can’t give medical advice. It is “scary and nerve-wracking to not be able to breathe comfortably or normally!” I’m sorry you are going through this. Hoping you are truly breathing easy soon, Jo

    1. I am going to go to the urgent care clinic and see what they say. That way I can see a doctor without having to go to the hospital. Thank you for you reply.

    2. , I hope the appointment goes well and that you get some helpful treatment!

      Thinking of you. Keep us posted, if you would like.

      Best, Erin, Team Member.

  2. Hi . I concur wholeheartedly with that, if you haven't already done so, you should seek medical attention. While autoimmune issues can cause lymph nodes to swell, so can a number of other issues, such as infection or allergic reaction. The fact that you feel as though your throat is closing and your breathing is being impacted could be a serious issue. We are not medical professionals and, for your protection, can not provide diagnostics over the internet. Only trained medical professionals can provide the necessary diagnostics. Hope you get some answers and relief soon. Please feel free, if you like, to keep us posted on how you are doing. Best, Richard (Team Member)

    1. Well, I went to the urgent care clinic and they did a covid and flu test which were negative and some antibiotics and sent me on my way. It's getting harder harder to speak- like my voice won't come out without straining. I just had blood work done last week that did not show an elevated white blood count and I don't feel sick. I don't have any other symptoms like stuffy nose or a cough. I just feel like I can't speak normally or swallow normally like my lymph nodes are so swollen they are pushing on something in my throat. I left a message with the cardiologist so hopefully will hear back today.

      1. I Hope the antibiotics help! Typically relief starts at about 24 hours. Strep, in addition to influenza, are rampant in our community right now. I’m glad you also reached out to your cardiologist. It sounds like you may need follow up if the ABs don’t work. Be persistent if your symptoms continue! Jo

      2. I Hope your throat is doing much better! Please update us if you are comfortable doing so. Jo

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