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I never signed up for this....

Besides RA I have multiple other autoimmune conditions. I have just started a Biologic for Lung problems. This is a grunge bind #*&^ situation.
Managing one condition is a challenge and I have the "honor" of dealing with 7 -ologists. # are there to monitor and tell if something is starting to wobble and the balance are actively involved in managing the conditions that need assistance. RA is one and then there is Type 1 diabetes (45 years in), Graves disease and now no thyroid, Kidney failure (That smacked me in the head) Asthma and then COPD (heck, i never ever smoked).
I do the wellness thing at work and when I enter my A1c I get a response - you may be diabetic or prediabetic, maybe you need help. Well now, let me think. Really who thinks this stuff up? Maybe reading is not a thing.
I am often at at my wits end and then there is my wife. She walks me through the hard times and we celebrate the good times. This is fantastic and makes me feel wanted and worth while.
I feel like the shoes in the picture trying to support a life of fresh enthusiastic feet.......Worn out want to be strong

  1. thanks for sharing. I'm sorry that you are not only trying to manage RA but also have other chronic conditions to confront as well. It sounds like your wife is a strong support resource which is good. I hope that we in this community can be that as well. There are many here who have similar stories of battling other conditions in addition to RA. This article from Nan "Comorbidity Overload" speaks well to what you mentioned: I am sharing that as I hope that you feel less alone as you see others are going through the same thing (I know that doesn't take the pain away, but sometimes it can help). Warmly, - Reggie, team member

    1. Those are really good points and I have used some of these. Getting "add ons as I call them is never fun and clearly never stops.

      1. Hi . I just wanted to let you know that you are not alone here in dealing with type 1 diabetes and RA. Our contributor Rick was diagnosed with the diabetes over 45 years ago and a few other things since. You can see his bio here, with a link to his articles, some of which deal with living with these multiple conditions: I also want to note that we have sister sites for asthma and COPD at and respectively. These conditions and their increased prevalence for those with RA (see here on RA and COPD: really raise questions on the connection of inflammatory conditions, even those not considered autoimmune. Know that people here get it. Best, Richard ( Team)

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