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Icy Baths, Cold Showers

I've read that cold baths benefit rheumatoid arthritis inflammation. It decreases inflammation.
To me? This sounds correct because it's logical--but it also sounds miserable.

Has anyone experienced any ra improvements using cold water? Ice?Ice On My Windshield

  1. Hi . There is some evidence that cold water therapy can help with some autoimmune conditions, including RA. This article notes that "Research has shown that cold water therapy reduced complaints of somatic pain in patients with autoimmune disease. This is thought to be a result of a decrease in cellular microinflammation through a reduction in pro-inflammatory cytokines and oxidative stress:" That said, my wife, Kelly Mack (a contributor here), is right there with you in thinking that sounds miserable. She likes her showers hot, she likes the water for her aqua therapy warm. I completely get the impact of the cold on the inflammatory cytokines, but I wonder if the impact of the cold on joints and other aspects of RA can be a detriment for some. I feel that each person has to make this choice on their own on how cold impacts how they feel. Best, Richard ( Team)

    1. Hi, ! I have to admit, this doesn't sound so pleasant. But, I know the point is reducing inflammation, not immediate comfort. I have younger family members and I know that cold water baths or showers have been trending on social media (like Tik Tok; Instagram, etc). It seems to really help some people, but as always, we do suggest doing research and checking with your doctor before trying anything new. That said, you can do what you think is best for your body and your health.

      Best, Erin, Team Member.

      1. Cold baths have been super popular lately and I've read the benefits. You can also simply do a cold shower which may be easier. I honestly have felt crummy in winter weather and then amazing when it's chilly out.... and what this comes down to is whether or not my RA is controlled. If my meds are doing the job, then I feel good anytime of the year. Of course, I feel it when it's about to rain or gets very cold. -Effie, team member

        1. I’m doing the Wim Hof ice shower and breathing exercises along with yoga - both have studies showing they can be helpful. I haven’t been diagnosed but was having major big toes and thumbs pain as well as lots of joint and sternum pain after vaccination or stress. These seem to control and 🪧 significantly diminish my symptoms as well as give me energy. If anyone’s interested I can send the studies. Honestly it’s not fun at first but after a few weeks or a month it’s almost refreshing

          1. , thanks for sharing! I am a little familiar with Wim Hof and his methods, but have been too chicken to try the ice showers, myself. I am glad his methods and yoga have been helping you feel better!

            Best, Erin, Team Member.

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