Welcome to this amazing forum! So sorry that you are suffering so bad at this time, but there is a light at the end of your tunnel, it just takes time unfortunately. The medication you stated you are currently on is common for the "beginner". The old tried and true, plus insurance companies can have a little say in that also. What you are feeling is common when in an RA Flare, oh the fatigue sometimes I feel it is the worst and then for your pain medication, that too can cause fatigue. May I suggest contacting your Rheumatologist and let them know that you have found no relief and see what they have to say, they may or may not want to try a different medication with you or adjust dosage.
Up at the top left corner of this page you will see the MENU, click on that then look for the option "SIGNS & SYMPTOMS" then each of those goes to areas of reading. May I suggest as you are able is to go through and read as many of those titles under the MENU option, they are so full of information and this will also help you figure out the site a little easier.
Keep in mind please at anytime if you feel you are misdiagnosed, you can always request a 2nd opinion. Just ask your Primary for another referral to a different Rheumatologist. Asking questions for what and why are fabulous, that is how we educate ourselves and keep those doctors on their toes!
You mentioned that you have a couple friends with RA, have you asked them about what treatment they are on or how they might find some relief? Takes notes for now and the future. Please keep in mind, many people suffer from different forms of Arthritis and don't realize which form they have and believe all arthritis's are the same, they are not, but have similarities of course.
I wish I could help you further at this time, but you have a lot of reading to do over there on the left. Sending you the biggest warmest Teddy Bear hug possible.