Holland...I so feel you, I once had a friend laugh at me and say I was addicted to antibiotics...sinus infections, bladder infections, bronchitis (until I quit smoking), ear infections, BV oh yes then the fun of the secondary infection (witch is a given for me -even when I was a teenager) yeast...thank goodness for diflucan 😀 I'm sorry you're not feeling well...keep your chin up (at least you have insurance...I lost my job due to my illness, but I keep my chin up because at least I have food and a roof over my head) I have found nasal emollient to be helpful with my sinuses...smells terrible, but for me, the sinus infections have a lot to do with the dryness causing irritation...if you have dry nose/sinuses it might help you if it's a reoccurring issue...it's over the counter at your local drug store (it had to be ordered at my pharmacy, no one seems to know how wonderful it is if you suffer from dry, inflamed nasal tissues) and rest and stress relieve...anyway you can think of to get there...the bladder infections are more complicated for me...I associated yellow dye #5 as an irritant that seems to almost immediately cause a reaction that within a few days to a week causes me to get a bladder infection...the only symptom from this bladder infection is an almost mono like fatigue...like getting up to get something to eat (quick) and going to the bathroom was all I could manage...now that I'm getting older, I get some burning sometimes...silly food coloring is in so many things...I still mess up sometimes and realize too late that I am drinking or eating something with it in it...funny enough yellow #6 does not affect me...stress does as I think all of us with rheumatoid issues so try saying "SERENITY NOW!"...sorry was just thinking of an episode of one of my fav sit coms....I hope something in my rambling may help...even if it's just a smile...