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Just Diagnosed 😢

Hi today it was official. I got my official diagnosis -Palindromic Rheumatism - is there anyone else that has this? Any advice you can offer. How long till they got your flares under control?

  1. I have to admit I know nothing about this. However, here is a beautiful overview from NIH, including some resources.

    This looks to be a challenging diagnosis. I wish you well, Michele. I hope you the very best.


    1. thank you

  2. Hi . Like , I can't personally speak to palindromic rheumatism, but I do know that, while it has flares or attacks like RA, it does not accumulate the permanent damage of RA. That is a little bit of good news. That said, about half of cases develop into RA. As noted in this article from the Arthritis Foundation, some of the RA treatments may help with the condition, as well as potential help prevent the eventual onset of RA: This may be something you want to ask your rheumatologist about. Wishing you the best and please feel free, if you like, to keep us posted on how you are doing. Richard ( Team)

    1. thank you. My Rheumatologist did say I have RA . She said since my symptoms just started I’m fortunate that there won’t be any joint damage so quickly. Unfortunately my diagnosis on my paper work has both Ra and PR listed but I think the PR is hitting me worse at this point

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