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Leflunomide 20 mg

Hi! New to any forum on RA. I was taking methotrexate for six weeks but developed hives so was taken off. I'm to begin leflunomide (Arava). This dmard scares the crap out of me after reading reviews. Is there anyone that can give me good experiences and help me to quit worrying about the negatives?

  1. Thank you for reaching out. I hope others in our community chime in with their personal experiences to share. It's difficult to judge off others experiences though, as everyone responds differently. In addition to speaking with your doctor, this article may be helpful: I'd encourage you to speak with your doctor about your questions and concerns, if you haven't already. Wishing you some relief ahead. Best, Kelly, Team Member

    1. Hi. I am new to any forums too, but I saw your post and wanted to respond. I followed a treatment plan similar to yours. I started with methotrexate and had side effects. After that I started with leflunomide and have been on it for about 1 year. It is helping reduce my RA symptoms and I have not had any problems with negative side effects so far. I hope this helps and I hope you find the right treatment for you.

      1. Thank you so much for responding! I need to stop researching this medication and just go for it and trust my rheumatologist. It's reassuring to hear you are doing well and have been on it a whole year! Continued success and again thank you.

        1. I take leflunomide and Humira. It doesn't help me at all. Wish you luck

          1. , ugh. I'm sorry neither medication is working well for you. It's weird how some meds work great for a person and not so well for another. I hope you and your rheumatologist are able to find a treatment that brings you some relief.

            Best, Erin, Team Member.

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