Hi . The anxiety you are experiencing over these issues and the lack of medical interest is certainly understandable. There are actually multiple potential RA issues here. Concerning the voice, their is a joint in the throat called the cricoarytenoid joint which, like any joint, can be impacted by RA and cause hoarseness. Our contributor Wren wrote about this here: https://rheumatoidarthritis.net/living/a-hoarse-of-a-different-color. Also, there are tiny joints in the ears which, when impacted by RA, can cause hearing loss and discomfort (see: https://rheumatoidarthritis.net/hearing-loss). Headaches are not uncommon with RA and can be caused by multiple things, probably including the items already mentioned here. The question, which as a non-medical professional, I can't answer, is whether you are experiencing these RA issues together or if something else is causing these issues. I know some people have had success dealing with the throat issues with steroid bursts and it may worth asking your doctor about that. I hope having this information helps inform further conversations. If your doctors don't seem interested in pursuing answers don't hesitate to get another opinion. Hope you get some answers and relief soon. Best, Richard (Team Member)