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Does anyone experience muscle contractions?

I am having a lot of muscle contractions in the legs. All being at rest. Anyone else have these symptoms? These started months ago. Before I started the Methotrexate.

  1. Hi ! I'm hopeful other community members will chime in if they've had a similar experience. In the meantime, perhaps check out this related article: if it's helpful to you! Thanks for being here in the community with us 😀 - Alesandra ( Team)

    1. I have had many nights with muscle cramps and the like. Sometimes I have to get out of bed and walk around, sometimes more. I've been on just about every single RA med that's out there, so who can say if they added to the cause or not. Either way, you're not alone in having issues with your leg muscles. Keep on keepin' on, DPM

      1. I use to get leg cramps alot. It was caused by my thyroid not functioning properly due to having Hashimoto Thyroiditis. Was put Synthoid medication and since than the cramps have been happening less often.

        1. Thanks for sharing your experience Gidgxx. So glad to hear that you have been able to find some relief from the cramps. Best, Kelly, Team Member

      2. Thanks for your comments

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