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Need Rheumatologist in VA that believes in seronegative

I'm really struggling and in pain. I'm 48 and my GP thinks I have rheumatoid arthritis. She's the first doctor to listen to me after years of pain, stiffness, swelling and TONS of other issues that I believe could be related to RA. She asked that I see a rheumatologist (not one she recommended- apparently no doctor will recommend one in the Richmond, VA area because "none are any good."😉 The rheumatologist ran blood which was normal (my GP had already done that and believes I'm seronegative), told me everyone swells, and said it's all neurologic. Basically blew me off. My GP agrees this was an incorrect diagnosis and said find another rheumatologist, but again with no referrals because "there's no one any good" in our area.

Does anyone out there live in Virginia? Anywhere in Virginia? Has anyone found a rheumatologist that has diagnosed them with seronegative RA? One that actually did a physical exam and took a full medical history before blowing them off? Any names would be really appreciated. So far a few of my specialists have given me names of doctors in Baltimore and Philly, but I just don't have the energy to travel that distance given the way I feel.

Thank you so much for your help and support.

  1. Hi, !

    I can't offer any good referrals for rheumatologists, as I am nowhere near where you live.

    I also can't offer you any advice, but some of our members do use their GP as their go-to doctor in regards to their RA. Your GP already seems pretty knowledgeable and knows that seronegative RA is a real form of RA and should be treated as such. If treating your RA is well outside your GP's comfort zone, perhaps you two can discuss that more. Does she have a rheumatologist that she can ask questions of? When it comes to trying medications to manage RA, a fair amount of it comes down to research and good ol' trial-and-error. So, you and your GP may be able to tackle treatment as a team.

    If you have a medically complicated situation (like many other health issues or autoimmune conditions) you can definitely keep looking for a rheumatologist near you. But, in the mean time, you may want to see what you and your GP can do.

    And, I do hope you get some good leads from other community members that may live near you.

    Best, Erin, Team Member.

    1. Hi . Like Erin, I'm not able to provide any specific information on doctors, but I do want to provide this find a rheumatologist page from the American College of Rheumatology: Also, on top of what Erin said about working with your GP, you may also want to see if you can find a local RA support group where you can ask people about their treatment and see if they have any recommendations for rheumatologists. Hoping you can get some treatment soon. Please feel free to keep us posted on how you are doing and to ask questions. Best, Richard (Team Member)

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