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New to Rhumatoid Arthritis

I contacted my Dr in regards to symptoms of a flare up which has nothing to do with my Osteoarthritis in my back.

I have very swollen painful wrist and fingers. Swollen stiff knees with stabbing pains and can't walk as feet hurt! Worst is tge sweating at night and not able to sleep.

I have had blood tests, just waiting for results. But I am feeling scared and not coping well. I think the mental and physical tiredness is exasperating it.

I feel I am going 20 step backwards after just coming to terms with my osteo in my lower back. Truly overwhelmed.

  1. Hi . Your concerns are certainly understandable. First, let me say that it is very good that you are taking action to get answers, as there are a number of potential causes for the symptoms. Are you seeing a rheumatologist? I ask because a rheumatologist has received specialized training in the diagnosis and treatment of conditions that impact the bones, muscles, and connective tissues significantly beyond that of a regular doctor. The blood tests are very helpful, but the diagnostics go far beyond just these. This article from our editorial team discusses the diagnostic process: Early diagnosis is always better and if it is RA or some related autoimmune condition know that treatments have advanced quite a bit in recent years. People here understand and this community is here for you. Please feel free, if you like, to keep us posted on how things are going. Best, Richard ( Team)

    1. Unfortunately, 2 steps forward and one step back is pretty much life with RA in a nutshell. It is rare we get an unqualified win, but you do eventually lean to live with it. Most of us eventually find routines that work for us and get us through the day with minimal disruption. Usually! In the meantime just know we are here to help however we can! Keep on keepin' on, DPM

      1. lower back pain a good massage realy helps for a little while and it seems to take your mind off the other pains

        1. Hello! Hope you've felt better these past few days! Any update on your blood test? I’d love to get an update from you and know how you're feeling. You're in my thoughts. -Latoya (Team Member)

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