Does anyone else ever deal with the boredom that comes with having RA? The past few days I have been trying to be active, walking the dog, running errands, cooking, but today I hit the RA wall. You know the one. You wake up and you’re already exhausted. Just the thought of doing even the simple things feels overwhelming. You end up parked on the couch staring at the tv but you aren’t even enjoying the program. Or you try to read but even that takes up too much energy. For me this is one of the worst side effects of having a chronic illness. Yes, there are things I could be doing but I am just too tired to accomplish anything today. I know it’s my body telling me I need to rest and I will regret not obeying its command. It’s just sometimes with RA I feel like so much time is wasted just having to rest and take it easy especially on days when the weather is beautiful. Do the rest of you go through this? How do you handle it?