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Remicade chemotherapy

Hello all was wondering if anyone has been treated with infusions of Remicade? If so how is it working for you. I’ve been receiving these treatments for about 6-8months has given me some relief but at this point I’ll try anything. Thanks for listening.

  1. I have been on Remicade before. It didn't work in the end for me, and after about 12 months or so we decided it wasn't working well enough to continue. I never had any bad side effects or anything, but it just wasn't working on my illness really as well as it should. It took me 20 years, in fact, to find the right medicine for my specific illness and for me, it's Kineret, an interleuken-1 inhibitor, and that seems to keep my illness at bay. Wishing you luck in your search and remember you can always come here to be with others who really get it! You are not alone. Keep on keepin' on, DPM

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