Hi all, I was diagnosed July 2018, at age 53, with moderate seropositive RA. I have undergone infusions of Inflectra, then switched to Remicade for the past 4 cycles, in combination with low dose Methotrexate. I had increasing wrist pain which prompted the switch.
I'm functioning pretty well overall, but still have daily wrist pain and, of course, varying daily aches and stiffness. I work with a knowledgable strength trainer and try to stay active. I also stick to a pretty clean diet, though AIP is too strict for me. I'd like to get a 2nd opinion on my diagnosis and treatment options, because I can't help wondering if my condition can be better than it is now.
I find the options of available docs overwhelming. I want to go to a major Rheumatology Center, and my Rheumy recommended Hospital for Special Surgeries in NYC. Bottom line, I'd like to find a doctor that's a good fit for me and my situation. Thank you for any help you can offer.