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Can anyone recommend a rheumatologist at the Hospital for Special Surgeries?

Hi all, I was diagnosed July 2018, at age 53, with moderate seropositive RA. I have undergone infusions of Inflectra, then switched to Remicade for the past 4 cycles, in combination with low dose Methotrexate. I had increasing wrist pain which prompted the switch.

I'm functioning pretty well overall, but still have daily wrist pain and, of course, varying daily aches and stiffness. I work with a knowledgable strength trainer and try to stay active. I also stick to a pretty clean diet, though AIP is too strict for me. I'd like to get a 2nd opinion on my diagnosis and treatment options, because I can't help wondering if my condition can be better than it is now.

I find the options of available docs overwhelming. I want to go to a major Rheumatology Center, and my Rheumy recommended Hospital for Special Surgeries in NYC. Bottom line, I'd like to find a doctor that's a good fit for me and my situation. Thank you for any help you can offer.

  1. CMAC, I assume you are referring to the Hospital for Special Surgeries in NYC? We do have some contributors in that area. If so perhaps they have some contacts.

    rick - moderator.

    1. Thank you Lawrence!

  2. Hi cmac. It is good that you are looking to maximize control over your RA. Your post made me think of this article from our contributor Michael about a doctor who would not let him settle for the occasional flare and the corresponding damage that could occur:

    While I can't recommend a specific doctor, I thought you might be interested in this resource finder from the Arthritis Foundation, which includes healthcare professionals:

    It is important that besides simply finding an excellent doctor, you find a doctor that is the right fit for you. Towards that end, I thought you might be interested in this article from our contributor Andrew on finding excellent doctors: It can also be useful to put together questions geared around your goals.

    Hoping you find a doctor that fits your needs and please know that this community is here for you. Best, Richard ( Team)

    1. Hello Richard, and thank you very much. These are wonderful articles and resources, and I appreciate your thoughtful response to my inquiry. I'm realizing that this online community is full of many kinds of support!

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