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Should I add Meds

Im over a year into my diagnosis, mtx to the max. My doc wants me to get on a biologic since my xrays are showing damage in my wrist and hip. I don't have insurance and even if I did I don't think I will qualify for any script assistance. Staring down the barrel of a huge prescription bill and wondering if it is even worth it. I hear so many stories that sound like my symptoms, wondering if biologics are a miracle drug. Have you added a biologic and seen major results?

  1. Hi . I know this may sound like a bit of a cop out, but each individual has to make treatment decisions based on their situation. I can tell you that biologics have done a lot of good for a lot of people and others have struggled to find something that helps. There is no guarantee that the first one you try will work. That said, my wife, Kelly Mack (a contributor here), was diagnosed with a very severe case at age two, 45 years ago - before modern treatments, with the damage to show for it. Six years ago she started a new biologic (after a few that helped some) that brought her inflammation numbers into the normal range for the first time. She has an uncle who had success with the very first biologic and has been on it for heading on two decades (that longevity on one treatment is a rarity).
    Concerning expense, you definitely are not alone with issues with the cost and many here understand. I do want to share with you this article from our editorial team on managing healthcare expenses: You may also want to ask your doctor's office if they have ideas. I know some community members have had success with contacting the manufacturers directly. Hopefully others will chime in with some thoughts. Best, Richard ( Team)

    1. I just wanted to chime in and share with you a thread where members have shared their experience using biologics and the impact it has made for them. Just understand that what works for one person may not necessarily work for another but the feedback is helpful. You can see what other members have said here- Hope this helps! Kindly, Latoya (Team Member)

      1. Being without insurance truly puts you in a tough position! Everyone has their own way of weighing benefits and risks. Personally, I am fearful of joint erosions, or permanent damage. There also are other systemic or organ damages due to untreated inflammation. So, I personally choose to treat my RA aggressively. I recommend discussing the question “What if I don’t go on biologics”, in addition to what the benefits are, with your doctor as part of your process. I had more problems with side effects from conventional DMARDs than biologics. But, it took several biologics to come to the one that works for me. This disease just doesn’t follow any sensible equations! Hoping for the best for you, Jo

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