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Support groups

Hello, I am having trouble finding local RA support groups. I am facing RA alone, and would love some knowledgeable empathy. I live in a state with low population (Alaska) so it's harder to find a way to get support. I have never been one to share my medical or mental wellbeing with others so this is a big step for me. My Doctor didn't have any ideas either. Thank you!

  1. First off, just know you are not alone. Never alone. Even if we can't physically be there, we are legion here and other places all around the world and no matter what you may think, many of us know exactly how you are feeling and what you are going through. Me, personally, I am going on forty years of this wretched disease, so I have been through pretty much everything a person can experience. Heart attack, cancer, pneumonia - not trying to scare you, just wanted you to know that we have a pretty wide combined experience here and we have heard it all, trust me. I never found anyone locally either, so you are certainly not alone there, but I did find a wonderful bunch of "RA friends" online, and we talk on a monthly basis on zoom. It is a lifesaver at times, and I'm sure you can find something similar here, on our Facebook pages, or on the Internet in general. In the meantime just know you can always come here and be with others who get it when you want to vent, need support, have a question, or just to hand out and read articles. Let us know if there's anything specific we can do to help! Keep on keepin' on, DPM

      1. Thank you so much for reaching out and being courageous to ask for help, as I know it's not an easy thing to do to share your personal health issues publicly. I have been in your shoes before and branching out while it was scary, was one of the best things to I could've done for my mental and emotional well-being. I would begin with Facebook support groups as mentioned by another team member, and search for rheumatoid arthritis and any other ailment you are living with. There are thousands of people and groups to join. On a local level I suggest you contact The Arthritis Foundation to link you resources and support groups in your area.There are a lot of support groups I know of who host things virtually and are run by medical professionals. But if you need something local, contacting AF org is your best bet. Hope that helps and please don't hesitate to reach out for any other information. -Effie, team member

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