I have had RA for 4 years now. It’s been a roller coaster ride trying different things to manage it.ive been in the middle of a bad flare when last week I caught the flu from my son. Day 4 into the flu I started noticing my ankles didn’t look as swollen and my knees didn’t hurt when I woke up in the morning. Day 5, although I was sick and still running a fever I noticed that by bedtime I could completely close my right hand and felt no pain. It was if my body said, “ahh this is what it feels like to be RA free again!” As day 6 approached, during the night my fever broke(4-5am). I got up for the day at 7:30 with pain in my knees and swell ending in my hands and couldn’t make a fist again! I can’t help but think this was because my body was fighting the flu germs instead of attacking itself. My question is—has anyone else had this happen?