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Traveling to Italy for 60th birthday

So I'm thinking of going in October for 2 weeks to Italy to celebrate my 60th birthday. I'm trying to find out due to all my anxiety and concerns if I should spend and invest that kind of money since I have ra and OA and of course we know they're a good days and bad days. My anxiety is through the roof thinking and trying to plan this I just started this week. Sorry for my rambling. I look forward to anyone who has recently done this.Wishing all a good today and a better tomorrow

  1. Preparing for vacation is especially fraught with anxiety and stress when it comes to RA and all it's accompanying worries. I know, I have to bring injections with me that have to stay cold so you can imagine what that's like. Especially during airport security! Then making sure you have all your meds with you, plus extra just in case, plus worrying about if you'll need a wheelchair at the airport, etc. It's enough to give anyone a stress attack, don't worry, it's normal. All I can say is that just make a list and take it step by step, that's the best you can do and the rest, well, you'll figure it out as you go and remember this - feeling like crap in Italy or wherever is better than feeling like crap in your own bed. Ha ha. 😀 Keep on keepin' on, DPM

    1. hahaha I agree with everything but especially that last line. What is it they say.... A rainy day at the beach or the mountains beats a sunny day at the office. Wishing you a good today and a better tomorrow

  2. Hi . Your concerns about international travel with RA are understandable. That said, I can tell you that my wife, Kelly Mack (who, you may recall, uses a wheelchair) loves to travel, including internationally. We took an anniversary trip to London, which she discussed the planning for in this article on travel tips: Five years later we did another anniversary trip to Paris. It will take some planning and, granted Kelly thrives on that part, whereas many may not. I can't tell you if this trip is worth it for you, but I can say such trips are not only possible, but its possible to have a great time. Plus, as said, a bad day in Italy ... Best, Richard ( Team)

    1. I believe though it may be a bit trying and difficult that It'll be well worth going to Rome for my 60th. As much as Kelly Mack enjoys traveling and planning so do I. Wishing you and yours good today and a better tomorrow

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