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Currently experiencing fingers on my right and left hand either not able to fully form a fist and one finger starting to remain bent for a few seconds. Any suggestions to help? I also have osteo!!

  1. I've been experiencing the same issue this month. I only experience it with my morning stiffness, but it can last upwards of 2-5 hours every day. Mine has only been my right hand, mostly just my ring finger, other times it is my middle, ring, and pinky fingers. My rheumatologist said to go for an ortho consult. 🤦‍♀️ I've already had my right knee replaced, and I'm only 44. I also have OA and RA. I recently started Hadlima (Humira). It made the trigger finger symptom go away for 3 mornings after that first injection. I'm hoping the more I have the longer it'll stay away! Heat will sometimes loosen the rigidity sooner, but not always.

    I hope others share what they have experienced.

    1. Hi . What you are describing sounds like tenosynovitis or trigger finger. It is described in this article from our editorial team: Of course, only a doctor can provide the proper diagnostics. I know it is not uncommon with RA and that our patient leader has written about it in the past. I can also tell you that my wife, Kelly Mack, a contributor here had a finger splint made to help with finger issues (see: Hopefully others will chime in with their experience and that you can get some relief soon. Please feel free to keep us posted on how you are doing. Best, Richard ( Team)

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