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Ulcers and lesions

Hi does anyone who is on methotrexate or biologics suffer with mouth ulcers and sores on roof of mouth. And crater like lesions on their body that take ages to heal
Thanks in advance Gail x

  1. Hi Gail (). You definitely are not alone in dealing with mouth issues/ulcers. In fact, our patient leader Janeil wrote this article on how she got rid of her methotrexate mouth sores: I also want to share with you this Forum discussion on the topic: Hope this information is helpful and others chime in with their experiences. Best, Richard ( Team)

    1. Yes I had mouth ulcers so bad I lost weight. I also had stomach issues from methotrexate. I had headaches. I never felt good on that drug.

      1. that sounds like a lot of side effects you had to manage on methotrexate. How long did you have to endure that before stopping? And, have you since found a treatment that is bringing you relief? -- Warmly, Christine (Team Member)

    2. Hi, ulcers can be a side effect from the methotrexate as Christine mentioned. Did you bring this up to your provider? While we aren't medical providers, and allowed to give medical advice, it's known that low folate/folic acid in the body can make you more prone to the side effects of MTX. Do you take this as a supplement or prescription? -Effie, team member

      1. thank u x

      2. You're most welcome! -Effie, team member

    3. Hi! I’m just now finding this community and I’m so glad. I’m 4 years into my diagnosis and my world feels nothing short of a nightmare rollercoaster ride of ups and downs, new jobs and disabilities, anxiety and depression….on my 4td trial with new medication. Just had my first Acetemra infusion and I’m experiencing mouth sores/ulcers for the FIRST time. It’s terrible. I can relate. Not in Metho, but I’m wondering if the actemra could be the cause?

      How has anyone soothed the mouth sores?

      1. , welcome! I’m so glad that you found our community here but am sorry to hear that you’re dealing with mouth sores. I can hear how frustrating and painful that has been for you. As Effie pointed out, it’s always good to check with your doctor (if you haven’t already) to determine what is causing the mouth sores/ulcers, but in the meantime I wanted to share an article from one of our advocates about her experience with mouth sores, She also includes how she was able to combat them. I do hope you can get some helpful information and input from your doctor! Please, if you’re comfortable, keep us posted. Sending you gentle hugs. — Warmly, Christine (Team Member)

      2. Hi . I did find this site on Actemra side effects which lists mouth ulcers: Hopefully others will chime in with their experiences and what has helped. Also, don't hesitate to ask your doctor for ideas. Best, Richard (Team Member)

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