Wow, that is scary. When I was working on the computer all day I knew I had Sjogrens along with RA. My optometrist had me on the prescription Restasis, eye drops 4x a day and a special pair of bifocals. The largest part of glasses is the correction for the computer and the small bifocal part for reading papers at my desk.
She told me that people do not blink as much when they stare at the computer, so try to look away after 15 minutes or so. She also shared with a site to buy goggles surrounded in foam. They block out all light and their are pads with the that can be frozen or heated. This was very restful and gave moisture.
I was also told that due to the RA I was going to need cataract surgery earlier than most people (I am 54) until I went on disability last year she told me I had the driest eyes she ever seen, the corneas were continually scratched and infected. After a year of not spending 8 hours straight on the computer, I had my first report this week of my eyes being in the "middle" range of dryness . No scratches, no infections , but will still need the cataracts out soon as they affect my night vision.
Good Luck,