I was just diagnosed with RA. To be honest I am not doing well with the thought of being in pain the rest of my life. Although I guess it's good to know why all of my joints hurt that doesn't help with wrapping my head around it. I try to talk to my family about it but no one will listen to me. My husband gets this glazed look about him. My sister in law does the same thing. Was talking about it with my niece today and all she had to say was "Isn't AIDS an autoimmune disease. What is that supposed to mean! Even my Mother had no interest in listening to me. So I am alone, in pain, feeling helpless and frustrated. Tried to work in the garden yesterday and it hurts so bad to hold the hoe to make my mounds it almost made me cry, almost(never let them see you cry), so now I feel useless. I have yet to see the Rheumatologist. Still waiting on the doctor to make the referral. I wish they could feel the pain I do everytime they take their sweet time. Great now I'm bitter and mean. Anyway this is how I am feeling and at least no one is stopping me from saying it here.