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Workplace Stress

My job is very stressful and has caused arthritis flares very frequently. My job is sedentary and I sit at a computer all day typing on a keyboard inputting data. I wear gloves on my hands to compress swelling of my wrists. Yeah it works sometimes and other times it's very painful. The excess of my workload has caused me to lose focus and become irritable. It's so much to do, I can't handle it all. I am doing the job of 3 people right now! This is affecting me mentally. My doctor diagnosed me with depression and anxiety. I have requested ADA accommodations to reduce workload. Fingers crossed.

  1. Hello ! I'm so sorry to hear all that you're currently going through. It makes sense that the pain and excess workload is causing you to become irritable and lose focus. You really are managing a lot!

    Good for you for advocated for yourself and requesting ADA accommodations! (I'm including a link to some information about ADA accommodations. While I imagine you already know most, if not all, of the information, I wanted to share it in case someone else comes across your comment and is curious about more information,

    I will keep my fingers crossed that they get approved and you can get some relief. Please, if you're comfortable, keep us posted. And know that this community is here for you! -- Warmly, Christine (Team Member)

    1. Hi . First, let me concur with Christine on how great and important it is that you are advocating for yourself and seeking accommodations. Second, I want to share with you this article from our contributor Kelly Mack (full disclosure - I'm her husband) on realizing that she needed to change jobs for the sake of her health: Not saying this is where you are at, but want to share it as an illustration that it is o.k. to prioritize yourself.
      Also, I noticed you mentioned your wrist issues. Kelly has splints that were shaped by a PT and help quite a bit. She wrote about them in this article on hand therapy: Wishing you the best and please feel free to keep us posted on how things are going. Richard ( Team)

      1. thank you Richard

    2. Sorry to hear you are going through this. To echo what others have said, I am glad you have requested ADA accomodations and hope they honor it for you. You are on the right track, hang in there! -Effie, team member

      1. Na

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