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Reflecting on My One Year RA Diagnosis Anniversary

There are many wonderful long-haulers living with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) who share their valuable knowledge and experiences on this platform. However, I am not one of them.

In fact, I am relatively new to life with RA as I am just coming up on my one year diagnosis anniversary.

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Although I experienced pain for close to a decade, my diagnosis was not at all straightforward. It was wrapped up in the complexities of another illness I battle - cystic fibrosis - making it a very long journey to this spot.

In reflection, owning my diagnosis of RA has been a healing experience for me the past year and I’d like to share why.

The peace of giving pain a name

For so long, my pain was a silent thorn in my life. I rarely spoke about the influence of pain on my day, so that it was invisible to almost everyone but me, my doctor, and my close family.

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What do you say about something when you don't know its true cause? Let alone a name or label in a conversation that strangers might recognize or be familiar with outside the craziness of cystic fibrosis.

In the medical world, a name is a diagnosis and that often means better treatment, better monitoring, and a better prognosis. It also means better support from physicians and family because there’s a more tangible way to respond and help.

In the end, naming my pain has given me a lot of peace - emotionally and physically - and additionally, a connection to a community that I lacked before.

Achieving remission with treatment

Although this past year has been crazy in all sorts of ways, the first year of my diagnosis has been a positive experience towards proper treatment.

If you would have told me last year that decades of pain could resolve with a daily pill, I would have laughed right in your face. I didn't think it was possible after trying a variety of anti-inflammatories, an SSRI, and pain medications.

However, it’s true and I am so thankful to have more good days than bad days with treatment.

Grateful for relief, a plan, and support

At this point, I would consider myself in "remission" with RA after starting Plaquenil shortly after my diagnosis. With the help of Plaquenil, I've experienced the longest period of time I can remember without chronic and debilitating pain.

In addition, when my next flare-up occurs, I know I have a specialist and access to different treatments to keep in my RA toolbox. There’s a sense of comfort knowing that there’s a process and next-step treatments waiting when things get difficult in the future.

A turning point after decades of chronic pain

All and all, the past year of my diagnosis has been a turning point in living with chronic pain that I feel has benefited me all around.

I don’t feel concerned or sad at another diagnosis added to my repertoire. More so, I found peace and that is priceless!

How long has it been since your RA diagnosis? What lessons have your learned in that period? Share your stories below!

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