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"Just when you think it’s OK
So a couple of weeks ago I had a CT scan of my lungs. Then came two months of crazy tests. Trying to get my doctor my rheumatologist and my pulmonologist all on the same page.
I was told that I have COPD OK that makes sense I used to smoke. But wait it gets better...I was then told I had something called bronchiectasis. Which has taken me two months to even be able to pronounce the word let alone figure out just what all that entails.
Oh and let’s not forget the most scary part there’s a white spot on my right upper right lung. Which is most likely an RA Nodule. They are going to scan it again in August and likely biopsy it.
Then last but not least I might have something called Alpha 1 lung disease.
So of course not getting any real definitive answers from my doctors- just more tests and waiting for results. i began an exhaustive research on all of these newly diagnosed problems. Something that I have learned to do since being diagnosed in 2007 with rheumatoid arthritis. I am pretty sure I have researched every dissertation, paper, reference. clinical trials & medical website.
Interestingly enough I’ve discovered that sometimes people with Bronchiectasis develop rheumatoid arthritis or other immune problems In their 60s. I on the other hand am part of the 3% who get this disease after having been diagnosed with RA. There is a 10 year study on people such as myself all 68 now 69 of us. Those who were given Rituxan and another drug along with steroids have seen some positive results. There are 24people who quit using these drugs and either dropped out of the trials with complications or died. The remaining 44 Have increased the mortality and are managing the bronchiectasis.
Lung nodules are common with with rheumatoid arthritis. As long as they don’t grow they are just there. They will probably be taking CT scans every six months and watching the growth or the size of the nodule. I knew this about RA - one of my vital organs would begin to experience the never ending attack from RA nodules.
Alpha 1 Is a genetic lung make up. It is handed down from generation to generation it requires two abnormal genes one from each parent. Very little is known about this disease just in the past 15 years has Research begun. You can find out if you have it with a blood test. If you are positive you will want to have your children and grandchildren tested.
I know this is a lot of information and quite frankly boggles my mind. Last Friday my rheumatologist called and said that I needed to stop taking my Humira that TNF blockers were detrimental to the Bronchiectasis. He then suggested Orencia - (which I pointed out I had already used for several years both via injection and IV.)
So now he has suggested Rituxan. I was put on Arava last year,
Which he said we will continue because it is good for shrinking nodules.
I have no idea when I’m going to begin the Rituxan. I am still waiting for the results from the breathing tests six times in total. I did find out that I tested negative for Alpha 1-which was a great relief.
I told the nurse today on the phone that I was going to get on my motorcycle and leave town. Until all 3 of my doctors could get on the same page. She replied that would probably be OK as long as she could get a hold of me by phone.
After year and a half dealing with Covid and now two months of wondering how long I have left to live I have decided that I am going to take a break -and take what quite possibly might be my last long solo trip on my motorcycle. My son is going to meet me Fourth of July. I should be in Washington State by then and we will ride home together to Texas. Hopefully by then I will begin Rituxan, get another CT scan and a biopsy of that nodule.
I welcome any and all information that any of you have regarding Rituxan Bronchiectasis and lung nodules. I’m leaving tomorrow and look forward to all your comments on my journey thank you everyone for sharing in mine.

"All my bags are packed

  1. I can imagine this is a lot to take in for you all at once. I am sorry this is happening and I hope the multiple tests lead to some clarity. There is a lot to unpack here. I will wait for other community members to check-in, but I did want to share some info on lung conditions related to RA. The article does list Rheumatoid nodules. It seems typically these occur more for men than women - and happens for less than 1% of folks with RA. I am not a doctor so I can't treat or diagnose, but if that is indeed what is showing up on your lung, know that rheumatoid nodules on lungs are typically asymptomatic. You can read here (

    It sounds like you're already on the road. I hope the road trip helps to re-center and find some peace while you await for more answers. This is so difficult. I want you to know myself and everyone in our community is hoping for the best and has you in our thoughts. 💜 - Reggie ( Team)

  2. thank you so much for your kind words. I did get a voicemail 2 days ago saying my breathing tests were normal and to enjoy my trip. I’m in Washington and I brought my CT scan and am going to talk to my former Rheumatologist while I’m here for a 2nd opinion. I am hopeful that the results mean we have caught this early. So maybe management will be key.

  3. I wish there was a love reaction on our site! This is fantastic. I'm sure that it's a relief to hear you're in the clear to enjoy your trip and the breathing looks good. I know there's more to determine, but that is a good start in terms of news. As I write this I'm in Philadelphia and feel envious (joking) of you zooming across the country - Washington is beautiful! I really hope you're finding some peace so far. Please let us know what you're former rheumatologist says too - it sounds like you have a good relationship there which is awesome. Thanks for updating! - Reggie ( Team)

  4. We are definitely crossing our fingers and toes for you, @blready! If you're comfortable, please keep us posted with what you find out . Also, it sounds like this ride was just what you needed. I'm so glad to hear the ride went so well for you!! -- Warmly, Christine (Team Member)