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"Hello everyone 👋🏼 I have had RA now for 12yrs or so. Back in December 2023 I woke up one morning and couldn’t bare weight on my right knee. The pain traveled to the back of the thigh, hip, groin and down into my calves. I had a MRI and the results said I have a complex Root/Horn meniscus tear. I have never experienced this issue with my knees. I have started physical therapy and it seems to be helping my range of motion but is still painful. I work full time as a Lab Technician and I am trying to hold on to my job. Has anyone experienced anything like this with RA?

  1. oh my goodness that sounds incredibly painful, and challenging! I am sorry to hear that you're dealing with a complex Root/Horn meniscus tear. It's good to hear that the PT has helped your range of motion, but I can hear just how painful it still is. Hopefully some of our community members can let you know if they have experience with this, however, I would also recommend asking your question over on our forums,, as it's more likely for more people to see it there. Has your doctor suggested or offered anything to help with pain relief? -- Warmly, Christine (Team Member)