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Does anyone also have CVID (Common Variable Immunodeficiency)?

I have CVID that caused the autoimmune RA. I have been on Methotrexate for 16 months and my RA has not improved. The Methx made me feel awful the whole time and my RA severity has slightly increased. I am unable to try Biologics because of me Immune issues. I started 10 days ago on Plaquenil which caused an allergic now I 'm off that and will try Xeljanz. Praying this works for me. In my mind I'm thinking my with my CVID (which I do IGG infusions weekly) to build up my immune system and the DMARDS and other RA meds suppress your immune system the two are at war with each other.....but I'm truly praying I can find a medicine that works for me!

  1. Hi HopesnHim! I am sorry you are having such difficulty finding a good treatment plan for your RA. I know that must be very frustrating! Since you are dealing with two immune system conditions, I think you are on to something with your theory as to why previous treatments have failed. Here is a little information from another RA site on RA and CVID -- Please know that providing this link I am no way endorsing or supporting the comments and advice shared on the linked site. I sincerely hope Xeljanz is a good fit for you and you start feeling better very soon! Thank you for sharing. Best, Erin, Team Member.

    1. Thank you Erin, I will read the information!

      1. Hi HopesnHim. Sorry you are struggling with this unique duel diagnosis. On top of the information from Erin, I thought you might be interested in this abstract for an article from the journal Clinical Rheumatology detailing the diagnosis and treatment of a person with the same duel diagnosis: Sorry I don't have access to the full paper, but your medical team may find the information interesting. Best to you, Richard ( Team)

        1. Thank you Richard

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