I have been injecting Imraldi (a Biologic medication) fortnightly for just over a year now. It keeps on top of my RA, pretty much, and there are few side effects. However, towards the end of August I felt poorly and tested positive for COVID. I have been positive ever since with mild/moderate symptoms and it is now about 3 weeks later.

I had a routine phone appointment with my rheumatologist and he said I would need to stop my Imraldi for a bit to allow my suppressed immune system to shake off the COVID. I had an unwelcome choice, COVID or the return of RA symptoms.

COVID's impact on RA symptoms

The COVID symptoms were fairly mild and l did not appear to be infectious, so l opted, a week ago today, to take my Imraldi injection as usual. But my COVID symptoms have become worse - wheezy chest, sore throat, headache and generally poorly - and the COVID shows no sign of retreating on its own.

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I have now resolved, reluctantly, to delay my next Imraldi injection, due next Friday, until I test negative. It appears I have little choice and I want to feel better before a planned holiday on 13 September.

Protecting immune system

Does anyone have any thoughts about how I support my immune system to fight off the COVID whilst I delay my next imraldi injection. Anything dietary or in the form of supplements that would mean l am off the Imraldi for the shortest possible time.

Many thanks


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