I had a visit today with the PA at my internal medicine doctors office. Although I generally save RA related issues for my rheumatology visits, I mentioned today that fatigue has been a huge issue for me this summer. In fact, I just woke up from a 14 hour sleep after a short trip yesterday and don’t feel rested. She said another patient told her she too had fatigue and started to stop eating after 6 PM and felt less fatigued after 3 months. I wanted to scream. I wanted to ask if the other patient had RA but instead I said something like "If my RA went away, the fatigue probably would too."
It’s so disappointing to go to a mid level health professional that has no idea about RA. I wanted to scream. Not sure what would have been better for her to say but not eating after 6PM did not sit right with me at all. Thoughts?
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