Fear is My Enemy

Living with autoimmune issues

I’ve posted before about my multiple autoimmune issues and how life-changing they can be. I’m not sure that I’ve ever said out loud that I live in a constant state of fear. It’s hard to admit that because I see it as a negative and unhealthy mindset. I try to let it go and let God, but I still have this negative loop playing over and over in my head.

Fear of the future

A big part of my fear is that I’m going to die too young or be so crippled that life isn’t worth living. I’m not suicidal in any way; it’s just something that pops into my brain whenever my body is in chaos and pain. I truly am blessed with a great rheumatologist and PCP, but someone I love very much thinks big pharma and most doctors practicing Western medicine are pushing drugs and keeping me sick and dependent on them.

This or That

Do you worry about your future with RA?

This loved one is a functional medicine doctor who believes that stem cells will cure my rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and that hundreds of dollars worth of supplements will change my “leaky gut,” which he claims is the cause of all my problems. My fear is: what if he’s right? Am I managing my own medical issues by just masking the symptoms rather than finding the root cause of why I have RA, Sjögren's syndrome, fibromyalgia, osteoporosis, and osteoarthritis?

Financial struggles

I also fear the cost of these alternative drugs and therapies he recommends. I have insurance that pays for my regular prescriptions, but I would need to pay out of pocket for things like unproven stem cell therapy and supplements. I don’t work any longer because of my many medical issues and am living paycheck to paycheck.

Conflicting dietary advice

What if eating a carnivore diet is the right choice according to the functional medicine doctor, but my rheumatologist says the Mediterranean diet is better for me? All these unknowns have me crippled by fear, which certainly makes my life a lot less enjoyable while I’m worrying.

Does anyone else feel this type of “what if” fear?

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